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General Health Courses:

The Diabetes Center offers courses, general in nature, that we hope will provide the knowledge and resources to improve  quality of life. In each course, patients learn to become fully involved in their personal health management and obtain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of each topic. A family member is encouraged to attend the course at no additional cost.


Getting Stress Out of Your Life
Course schedule and outline
Breaking the Habit-Smoke Free For Life
Course schedule and outline

Exercise - Putting Your Life in Order
Course schedule and outline
Weight Loss-Finally Under Control
This course centers around changing your eating and exercise behaviors to get you in control for the rest of your life.
Course schedule and outline

Incorporating Exercise into Your Life
Get more activity and movement into your life for better diabetes management and added health benefits.
Course schedule and outline

Herbs for Diabetes
Learn about natural herbs and vitamins that can help manage blood glucose levels and benefit people with diabetes.
Course schedule and outline

The In and Outs of Insulin
For insulin users and their families. Learn about the types of Insulin, Dosages, Injecting and Storage.
Course schedule and outline

Carbohydrate Count Down
What are complex and simple carbohydrates? How they are metabolized in the body? Do I need more carbohydrates with regular exercise? Learn the answer to these questions and more, and develop management strategies for carbohydrate intake.
Course schedule and outline

Pregnancy and Diabetes
Learn practical information for managing gestational, type 1 and type 2 diabetes during pregnancy for a happy and healthy mother and baby.
Course schedule and outline



Diabetes Self Management Area

Private Consultation for Nutrition, Exercise and Diabetes

Contact Lisa at 781-647-7220 or lpacitto@wathamdiabetes.com

General Health Courses